Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Cinnamon Challenge:Another Failed Attempt :(

I did the cinnamon challenge yesterday and the only thing I can tell you is... DON"T DO IT MAN!! I got a tablespoon  of cinnamon and the best way to describe how i look after I failed was this  IT WAS HORRIBLE!! Number one obvious problem is that is dry as ever so your throat is parched and you can't even swallow the gunk. It gives you that feeling where you need to get some liquid or your gonna lose your life. AND IT GETS WORSE. IT TASTE REALLY BAD AND GETS HARDER TO GET OUT. But one thing I can say about the cinnamon challenge is that cinnamon is good for your heart. That's about it. other than that, don't ever do the cinnamon challenge. YOU COULD LOSE YOUR LIFE and all the taste in your mouth.

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